
Registration & Records Office
Tony Rand Student Center (TRSC), Room 124,
2220 Hull Road,
Fayetteville, NC 28303
Phone Number
Office Hours Monday – Friday
8:00AM - 5:00PM
Registrar: Ann Jones

Curriculum Transcripts

Official Transcripts

Online Ordering:

Transcripts can be ordered online through the National Student Clearing House

Online orders can be processed in 3 ways:

  • Hold for pick up
  • Sent by USPS mail
  • Electronic transfer (PDF)

In-Person Ordering:

Students can request an official transcript in person at the Tony Rand Student Center Cashier Window. Transcript requests received before 2pm will be printed and ready for pick up the same day.

In person orders can be processed in 2 ways:

  • Hold of pick up
  • Sent by USPS mail

Continuing Education Transcripts

Adult High School

For Adult High School Transcripts please fill out a Transcript Request Form and submit it in one of the following ways:

                In Person:
Tony Rand Student Center (Building 7) – Room 134
                2220 Hull Road, Fayetteville, NC 283033


Fayetteville Technical Community College
                Continuing Education – Registration/Records
                P.O. Box 35236
                Fayetteville, NC 28303

(MS Word)

Office of Evaluation


The Office of Evaluation reviews all official transcripts submitted by current and prospective students.

  • It can take up to 72 business hours from date of transcript receipt for us to complete our evaluation.
  • During peak registration times, it may be longer.

Please check your Self-Service account to see the status of any awarded credit.

If you have checked Self-Service and feel that you were not awarded the proper credit, please complete and submit the online Transcript Appeal Form.

We will respond to you regarding the status of your appeal via your student email account.

Fayetteville Campus

Fort Bragg Center

  • TBD

Distance Military