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Seekers Fellowship club meeting

ATC 116 2300 Hull Road, Fayetteville, NC, United States

The Seekers Fellowship club meets from noon to 1 pm on Tuesdays in ATC 116.

Creative Writing Club meeting

Cumberland Hall 2215 Hull Rd, Fayetteville, NC, United States

The Creative Writing Club meets Thursdays at noon during the Spring semester in CUH 339.

Seekers Fellowship club meeting

ATC 116 2300 Hull Road, Fayetteville, NC, United States

The Seekers Fellowship club meets from noon to 1 pm on Tuesdays in ATC 116.

Creative Writing Club meeting

Cumberland Hall 2215 Hull Rd, Fayetteville, NC, United States

The Creative Writing Club meets Thursdays at noon during the Spring semester in CUH 339.

Seekers Fellowship club meeting

ATC 116 2300 Hull Road, Fayetteville, NC, United States

The Seekers Fellowship club meets from noon to 1 pm on Tuesdays in ATC 116.

Creative Writing Club meeting

Cumberland Hall 2215 Hull Rd, Fayetteville, NC, United States

The Creative Writing Club meets Thursdays at noon during the Spring semester in CUH 339.

Blood Drive-Spring Lake campus

Spring Lake Campus 171 Laketree Blvd, Spring Lake, NC, United States

The Cape Fear Valley Mobile Blood Bus will be parked at the Spring Lake campus. Students 17 or over are encouraged to donate. Eat a healthy meal the night before!

Free Ice Cream!

Food Truck Parking Lot near HOS Building

I scream, you scream... for Free Ice Cream on Monday, August 26! Look for the food truck that will be roaming around campus and handing out free ice cream. Hurry before this opportunity melts away! When it's gone, it's gone.

FTCC Swag Day

Tony Rand Student Center

Students, come to the Tony Rand Student Center and spin the wheel to win FTCC swag! The spinning starts at 11am and  goes until all the swag is gone!

Meet the Trojans

Tony Rand Student Center

It's your chance to Meet the Trojans - the members of FTCC's athletic teams, as well as success coaches and academic advisors. It's all happening from 11am-1pm on Wednesday, August 28, in the Tony Rand Student Center. 

Club and Org Day

Tony Rand Student Center

FTCC has numerous clubs and organizations for students. Meet their representatives and learn more about them at Club and Org Day, which is set for 11am - 2pm on Thursday, August 29, in the Tony Rand Student Center. 

Pop in with the SGA

Tony Rand Student Center

Learn about FTCC's Student Government Association during a Pop-In session from 11am - 2 pm on Thursday, Aug. 29, at the Tony Rand Student Center. Stop by and meet the members of the SGA!

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