Fayetteville Technical Community College will continue remote operations for faculty and staff today. Students are attending classes virtually today through the College's online learning platform. The College plans to open its campuses at 10 am and will operate remotely until that time. Any changes in that plan will be announced tomorrow morning.

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Dr. Sorrells Hi 5 With the Graduates

NTHS selling Pizza & Croissants

📅 Every Wednesday, unless otherwise announced
⏰ 11:30 AM to 01:00 PM
📍 Tony Rand Student Center

The National Technical Honor Society (NTHS) will be selling:

Pizza slices: $3 each (cash price)
Croissants: $2 each (cash price)
💳 Note: A $0.50 surcharge applies to card transactions.

All proceeds will contribute to funding the Endowed Memorial Scholarship for Paul Salada and Shahpour Dowlatshahi.

Nths Pizza 012025

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