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Dr. Sorrells Hi 5 With the Graduates

Discussion: How to support transitioning military service members

The N.C. Governor’s Working Group on Service Members, Veterans, and Their Families will hold its quarterly meeting at FTCC’s Tony Rand Student Center on Thursday, Sept. 12, to discuss challenges and potential solutions to supporting military service members who are transitioning into civilian life.

The meeting will be preceded by an hour-long session featuring community vendors and exhibitors, starting at noon.

The meeting will begin at 1pm in the Multi-Purpose Room.

Opening remarks will be made by Sara McEwen, executive director of the Governor’s Institute; Grier Martin, secretary of the N.C. Department of Military & Veterans Affairs; and Fayetteville Mayor Mitch Colvin.

The opening remarks will be followed by an expert panel discussion on “Team Transitions: Exploring & Engaging Family and Community Supports for Veterans.” The panel will include:

  • Moderator: Joel Brown, an ABC11 anchor and reporter
  • Dr. Christina Vair, a psychologist and director of the Whole Health Program at the Salisbury VA Medical Center
  • CSM Greg Seymour, Fort Liberty Garrison Command Sergeant Major 
  • Scot McCosh, senior director of Military & Veterans Programs at FTCC

The public is invited to attend and individuals may register if they wish to comment. Registration can be done at this link.

Nc Gov Working Group

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