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Dr. Sorrells Hi 5 With the Graduates

CFV Recruitment Office Open House

Cape Fear Valley Health will hold an open house at its recruitment office in the Health Technologies Center on Aug. 27 and Aug. 28 from 9am-6pm.

The recruitment office is in Room 146 of HTC. 

The open house is open to all students. Cape Fear Valley Health recruiters and hiring managers will be at the open house and stationed around the Fayetteville campus to talk with students and answer questions about employment and scholarship opportunities. Students can also learn about CFVH’s professional development resources.

Students who visit the office will receive a gift and a meal voucher.

CFVH recruiters are on the FTCC campus every weekday, often holding recruitment and professional development sessions with classes. The hours of the recruitment office vary as a result but the office will hold regular “Walk-In Wednesday” hours every Wednesday from 1-3pm. Students may come by then to discuss employment, scholarships or professional development or receive application assistance for careers and scholarships. 

Ftcc Open House Poster

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