FTCC’s NSLS chapter hosts a meal for veterans at the All American Veterans Center on Nov. 11, 2021. [Contributed photo]
This Veterans Day, FTCC’s National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS) chapter worked in conjunction with the All American Veterans Center to provide a comforting meal following the College’s annual Veterans Day Observance held on campus to honor those who have served our nation.
The event and food provided by the FTCC NSLS chapter would not have been possible without the support of numerous dedicated partners. The NSLS would like to thank Bubba’s 33 and the FTCC Culinary Club for the delicious pizza and amazing desserts. They are also incredibly thankful for the help from the Graphic Design Club for the artwork as well as to Chuck Bradley, FTCC’s Sr. Director of Military & Veterans Programs, and Martin Robinson, Military & Veterans Service Technician and FTCC Student Veterans of America chapter advisor, for bringing this vision to reality.

FTCC’s NSLS chapter co-presidents Jenna Warnock (left) and Heather Spexarth stand with FTCC Sr. Director of Military & Veterans Programs, Chuck Bradley. The NSLS hosted a meal for veterans at the All American Veterans Center on Nov. 11, 2021. [Contributed photo]
FTCC NSLS chapter co-presidents, Jenna Warnock and Heather Spexarth, conducted the community service event in partnership with the NSLS Better World Project (BWP). The NSLS BWP serves as an outlet for NSLS leaders, such as Jenna and Heather, to give back to the community as a step towards their executive certifications provided by the leadership organization. Both women wanted their project to serve a population that deserves exceptional recognition every day of the year, our veterans.
The NSLS is an organization that provides a life-changing leadership program that supports students in achieving personal growth and career success, helping to empower students to have a positive impact in their communities. If interested in joining, please contact chapter advisor, Alysia DeJesus at dejesusa@faytechcc.edu.

FTCC NSLS chapter provided a Veterans Day meal at the All American Veterans Center with the help of several local sponsors, including Bubba’s 33. [Contributed photo]