Room 377-L, 2215 Hull Rd., Fayetteville
Official address:
P.O. Box 35236, 2201 Hull Rd.
Fayetteville, NC 28303
Are these questions you’ve pondered?
- How can I create a financial plan for myself or a client?
- How can I better serve my clients?
- How much and what types of insurance are needed in my business?
- Should I invest in the stock market?
- How can I secure capital for my business?
- How can I make my business more profitable?
Then the Financial Services program is for you!
The Financial Services curriculum is designed to provide students with the knowledge and the skills necessary for employment and growth in the financial services industry.
Finance professionals manage, invest, exchange, or hold money on behalf of clients.
What will I learn?
In addition to coursework in financial management principles, theories, and practice, students will study:
- Business Law
- Economics
- Finance
- Management
Related skills are developed through the study of:
- Communications
- Computer applications
- Critical thinking skills
- Ethics
- Marketing
What to Expect:
Course Work
The Financial Services curriculum is designed to provide students with the knowledge and the skills necessary for employment and growth in the finance profession. Finance professionals manage, invest, exchange, or hold money on behalf of clients.
Course work may include:
- Accounting
- Business Ethics
- Business Law
- Computer Applications
- Finance
- Financial Planning
- Insurance
- Marketing
- Real Estate
- Selling
- Taxation
Related skills are developed through the study of communications, computer applications, financial analysis, critical thinking skills, and ethics.
Career Paths
Graduates should qualify for entry-level financial services positions in many types of organizations including:
- Commercial Banks
- Investment Banks
- Insurance Companies
- Brokerage Firms
- Financial Planning Firms
- Real Estate Companies
Other Accounting and Finance Tracks
Fact Sheet for Accounting & Finance’s Associate, Diploma & Certificate Programs
Would you like to enroll? Contact an Admissions Counselor for assistance or Apply Now!
Associate Degree
Financial Services (A25800F)
Program Length: 5 Semesters
Prerequisite: High School Diploma & Placement Test Equivalent
Award: Associate in Applied Science
View Brochure (english) View Brochure (español)
Accounting Foundations Certificate (C25800C6)
Program Length: 2 Semesters
Prerequisite: Placement Test Equivalent
Award: Certificate
Computerized Accounting Certificate (C25800C3)
Program Length: 3 Semesters
Prerequisite: Placement Test Equivalent
Award: Certificate
Cost/Managerial Accounting Certificate (C25800C5)
Program Length: 3 Semesters
Prerequisite: Placement Test Equivalent
Award: Certificate
Payroll Accounting Certificate (C25800C1)
Program Length: 2 Semesters
Prerequisite: Placement Test Equivalent
Award: Certificate
Small Business Accounting Certificate (C25800C4)
Program Length: 2 Semesters
Prerequisite: Placement Test Equivalent
Award: Certificate
Tax Preparer Certificate (C25800C2)
Program Length: 2 Semesters
Prerequisite: Placement Test Equivalent
Award: Certificate
High School Connections
Accounting Foundations Certificate (C25800H1)
Program Length: 2 Semesters
Prerequisite: Placement Test Equivalent
Award: Certificate