The US Census Bureau is conducting a count of every person living in the 50 states, the District of Columbia & the five U.S. territories. 

Your response to the 2020 Census is crucial! It is important that everyone’s voice be heard.

Shape the future and respond to the 2020 Census online at

Have you completed your 2020 Census form?

If not, Fayetteville Technical Community College urges you to do so. Your participation in the Census is vital in determining the distribution of billions of dollars to states and local communities for programs and projects that can have direct and important effects on your life.

What kinds of programs? Pell grants. Federal student loans. Food stamps. Medicaid. Head Start. And so much more. Projects can include new schools, new clinics, new roads and increased services for families, older adults and children.

The Census is also used to determine the districts for congressional and state legislative seats.

The Census process is easy, quick and safe. There are only a few questions about each person living in your home and the ownership status of the home. It should take only about 10 minutes of your time. Collected data is secure and is NOT shared with any other agencies.

You can take the Census online at this site – It’s simple enough to do on your phone. Or come to FTCC to use a computer in one of our computer labs.

Guides to the Census are available in Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese and many other languages at this site –

In August, census takers will start visiting the homes of people who have not yet responded to the Census. They will have official IDs and will wear masks and observe social distancing to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Remember: It’s easy, quick, safe, and very important to fill out the Census. Thank you for your attention!