Who: FTCC Faculty Professional Development
What: Homeroom with Education Leaders |Education for the Real World: Strengthening Access to Work-Based Learning Opportunities
Priorities are shifting in public education. With nearly half of voters believing our schools are not teaching real-world skills and even more strongly favoring proposals that increase job skills and workforce training opportunities in high school, Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs are seeing growing demand. And for good reason – students that participate in CTE opportunities during high school are more likely to graduate and enroll in college or other post-secondary opportunities. Yet, despite these clear, positive outcomes, not all students have equal access to high-quality CTE programs. Black and Hispanic students are less likely to participate in CTE coursework related to higher-paying industries than their white peers and High-quality CTE programs are also more prevalent in wealthier districts, meaning these programs are more likely to have better equipment, attract more experienced educators, and subsequently, exclude many low-income or other historically underserved student groups. As states and districts continue to expand their CTE and work-based learning opportunities, how can they ensure these opportunities are available, accessible, and equitable for historically underrepresented students? Join The Hunt Institute for this critical conversation on the current state of CTE and best practices and strategies for developing equitable programs.
When: Thursday, February 9, 2023 2:00 p.m. Register
Where: Virtual
Questions: Faculty can contact the Center for Faculty Development with any questions!