Publish Date

Registration for the Spring II session of the courses listed below is still open. Contact FTCC Admissions at 910-678-8473 or to find out how to sign up.

Introduction to Business (BUS 110-5901), class starts March 28
Principles of Management (BUS 137-5901), class starts March 28
Introduction to Computers (CIS 110-5901), class starts March 28
Introduction to Programming & Logic (CIS 115-5901), class starts March 28
Introduction to Criminal Justice (CJC 111-5901), class starts April 4
Criminal Law (CJC 131-5901), class starts April 4
Corrections (CJC 141-5901), class starts April 4
Victimology (CJC 214-5901), class starts April 4
Constitutional Law (CJC 231-5901), class starts April 4
College Transfer Success (ACA 122-5901), class starts April 4
Writing and Inquiry (ENG 111-5901), class starts April 4
Writing/Research  (ENG 112-5901), class starts April 4

View the FTCC course catalog.