Scholarship application for the 2025-2026 academic year will be accepted from March 1, 2025, through April 15, 2025.

FTCC foundation and the Financial Aid Office invite you to apply for scholarships for the 2025-2026 academic year. If you’re enrolled in at least six credits and have a minimum 2.0 GPA, you are eligible! Need-based and merit-based scholarships.

A variety of scholarships are available based on financial need, major and academic performance. They are possible thanks to the generosity of businesses, organizations and individuals. Categories include General, Memorial, Military, Business, Engineering, Public Service and Applied Technology, and Healthcare.

Please contact FTCC Foundation at 910-678-8441 or for more information.

Tips for Completing Scholarships Applications

Tips for Writing a Great Scholarship Essay

Financial Aid Awards

Students who meet all eligibility requirements for financial aid may be awarded a financial aid package that combines funds from one or more of the following types of aid. Enrollment for determining financial aid eligibility is based on classes that are within a student’s eligible program of study.


If I drop a course or withdraw, what will happen to my financial aid?

Federal Work Study

The Federal Work Study (FWS) Program provides part-time employment opportunities to eligible students to help defray the costs of post-secondary education. Students gain practical training and experience in a chosen field, have positive job experiences to help identify career objectives, have an opportunity to build a résumé, and get potential recommendations from supervisors. Based on the results of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), eligible students can apply for the Federal Work Study program.

Students are paid $11.50 an hour and will receive a monthly paycheck for any hours worked. Students may earn up to their maximum annual award amount as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). 

The eligibility criteria are:

  • Need as determined by the Department of Education
  • Enrollment in at least six (6) credit hours
  • A Financial Aid GPA of 2.0

Positions are limited and the number of hours a week a student can work varies. All job placements are handled through the Financial Aid Office. Listed below are the various Federal Work Study positions available. You may apply for more than one position. Click the link to view the job description and to submit an application for employment consideration.

FTCC Federal Work Study Positions

Area Location Position
Administration Support Main Campus Office Assistant
Admissions Call Center Main Campus Office Assistant
Admissions Office Main Campus Office Assistant
Advertising & Graphic Design Main Campus Design Support
America Reads Main Campus Tutor
Athletic Activities Main Campus Athletic Assistant
Biology Lab Main Campus Biology Lab Technician
Bookstore Main Campus Bookstore Assistant
Botanical Gardens Botanical Gardens Landscape Worker
Business Program Department Main Campus Office Assistant
Collision Repair & Refinishing Office Procurement Circle off of Santa Fe Dr. Office Assistant
Continuing Education Registration Office Main Campus Office Assistant
Corporate & Continuing Education Office Education Center on B Street Office Assistant
Criminal Justice Technology Main Campus Latent Lab Assistant
Disability Support Services Main Campus Office Assistant
Enrollment Support Main Campus Office Assistant
Fayetteville Urban Ministry Off Campus (Community Service) Community Service
Financial Aid Department Main Campus Office Assistant
Financial Aid Service Center Main Campus Office Assistant
Fine Arts Gallery Main Campus Office Assistant
Fine Arts Office Main Campus Office Assistant
Fitness Center Main Campus Fitness Center Assistant
Food Pantry Main Campus Office Assistant
Funeral Services Main Campus Office Assistant
Gunsmithing Department Main Campus Gunsmithing Lab Assistant
Library Main Campus Office Assistant
Machine Shop Main Campus Machinist Helper
Nursing Department Main Campus Nursing Department Lab Technician
Office of History Department Main Campus Office Assistant
Office of Basic Law Enforcement Training Spring Lake Office Assistant
Office of Criminal Justice Main Campus Office Assistant
Office of Dean of Business Main Campus Office Assistant
Placement & Evaluation Main Campus Testing Lab Assistant
Print Shop Main Campus Office Assistant
Public Safety & Security Office Main Campus Office Assistant
Student Activities/SGA Main Campus Office Assistant
Success Center Main Campus Office Assistant
Success Closet Main Campus Office Assistant
University Outreach Main Campus Office Assistant
VP for Administrative Services office Main Campus Office Assistant
Work Base Learning Main Campus Office Assistant

Video Resources: Student Loans

A Minute to Learn It- Borrowing Student Loans

Types of Federal Loans

Loan Default

Student Loan Borrower Responsibilities

Federal Student Loan Repayment

What is Loan Deferment or Loan Forbearance?

What is Loan Forgiveness?

Federal Direct Student Loan Limits


Types of Loans

Federal Direct Stafford Loans

The Federal Direct Stafford loan program allows students to borrow low-cost educational loans from the federal government. To be eligible for a Direct Stafford loan, students must be enrolled at least 6 hours. Repayment of these loans begins 6 months after students leave school or fall below half time enrollment.

There are two types of Federal Direct Stafford loans: subsidized and unsubsidized. For detailed information about Federal Direct Stafford loans, visit the U.S. Department of Education.

  1. Subsidized Loans (Undergraduates Only)
    Federal Subsidized Direct Stafford loans are need based loans. They are subsidized in that the federal government pays the interest on the loan until repayment begins.
  2. Unsubsidized Loans
    Federal Unsubsidized Direct Stafford loans are not need based. Interest begins accruing from the date of first disbursement. You can choose to pay the interest quarterly while in school, or you can allow it to accumulate and be capitalized when repayment begins.

FTCC has teamed up with Solutions at ECMC to answer all of your student loan repayment questions. Solutions is a service of the non-profit organization ECMC and is dedicated to helping students manage educational loans. Their resources are available to you free of charge. To contact a Solutions Student Loan Repayment Advisor, you can email or web chat or call them at 1-877-331-3262. (NOTE: ECMC’s website may not be ADA compliant).

Department of Education Student Loan Repayment Estimator
The Department of Education provides a student loan repayment estimator to help students plan for loan repayment: Loan Repayment Estimator


If students choose to use an outside lender, FTCC is prohibited from selecting or recommending any specific outside lenders to students. Students can search for a complete list of national lenders who participate in the Federal Stafford Loan Programs through the Department of Education website at

William D Ford Federal Direct Loan Program

A Federal Direct Subsidized Loan is made by the Department of Education to students enrolled at least half time (six (6) credit hours at FTCC) whom demonstrate financial need. Financial need is determined based on the information the student submits on their Federal Application for Student Aid (FAFSA) application. Students may borrow up to $3,500 per academic year as a freshman (less than 31 credit hours earned) and $4,500 per academic year as a sophomore (31 or more credit hours earned). The federal government pays the interest while the student is in school at least half time, during the six-month grace period and during all deferment periods for the Federal Direct Subsidized Loan. If a student requests a Federal Direct Subsidized Loan, based on financial need and academic eligibility, the Financial Aid Office will award the maximum amount authorized. Students may decline either part or the entire award amount if so desired.

Other Types of Aid

Short Term Loans for Tuition, Fees and Books

Short Term Loans for Tuition, Fees and Books

Students who are enrolled at least half-time may borrow funds on a 90-day note to cover cost of tuition and fees up to a maximum of 12 credit hours or up to a maximum of $500.00 for required textbooks until funds are exhausted. Supplies are not covered under this loan program.

The student must be in good financial standing with the College. Based upon the discretion of the Financial Aid Office, a student may be awarded a short term loan for both tuition and fees and textbooks.